Tanya Anne Crosby’s “Highland Brides” Series

Spring is a busy time of year!  I’ve had so much going on that the blog posts just sort of got pushed to the wayside.  But that doesn’t mean I still didn’t find time to read!  I stumbled across a fantastic series from another one of the Jewels of Historical Romance, Tanya Anne Crosby.  Her “Highland Brides” series truly was fun to read and will stay in my Kindle’s “keeper” collection for good!  Give it a try!

Book 1        The MacKinnon’s Bride


Engaging Beginning to The Highland Brides Series

Ian Mackinnon is not a man to be crossed. When his young son is captured and
used by the English as a political pawn by the evil FitzSimon, , the fierce
Scottish chieftain will not rest until he is safely returned. He has already
borne so much, having a wife who chose to throw herself to her death out the
tower window shortly after birthing their young son, rather than to ever suffer
his touch again. Young Malcolm is all he has and he will get him back at all

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Marsha Canham’s Books Should Come With a Warning Label: Danger of Passing Out from Repeatedly Causing Readers to Hold Their Breath

If you’ve read many of the posts on this blog, you’ve probably noticed there are several authors that I dearly love.  One such writer is Marsha Canham.  Her books keep me on the edge of my couch, holding my breath from the scenes she creates that often find her characters in mortal peril, risking their lives for honor, duty, and love.  It is a wonder I haven’t passed out from lack of oxygen while reading one of them.  Seriously, they should come with a warning label.

Another thing that is sure to endear an author to me is attention to detail and historical accuracy.  Canham more than clears the bar in that area as well.  She creates fascinating worlds peppered with real-life characters so well drawn that I felt like I’ve actually seen pages of a history book come alive.  She has written many series, set in different times, but one of my favorites is her Robin Hood Trilogy, made up of “Through A Dark Mist,” “In The Shadow of Midnight,” and “The Last Arrow.”   I read the series last year and wished it had never come to an end.  Imagine my delight in finding another book written about the same time period, featuring familiar characters.  Within a minute of downloading “The Dragon Tree” I was once again under the author’s spell. Continue reading

I’ve Been SWEPT AWAY by Marsha Canham

Having a bad taste left in my mouth from the last few books I’ve read, I decided to move to a sure winner by one of my favorite historical romance authors.  Just as I hoped, Marsha Canham did not dissapoint.  Her adventure-packed romances are always keepers and never fail to keep me mesmerized to the very last word.  Most of her stories are part of a series, but I found this stand-alone tale this week on Amazon and decided it was the perfect thing to chase away the bad-book blues.

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The Regency Rags to Riches Series by Jade Lee

Normally, if an author writes on series that I absolutely love, I can feel safe moving on to others.  After all, anyone that could write such captivating stories couldn’t possibly write duds as well, could they?  Well, apparently so.

Jade Lee, what happened?  Your “Rules for a Lady” books were delightful beyond measure, full of quirky characters, humorous dialogue, and intriguing situations.  They set a high bar indeed for what I expect when I download a book with your name on the cover. Continue reading

Some Things Are Better Left Unpublished

I love the fact that the dawn of e-books has opened up the world of indie publishing.  There are some wonderful reads out there that might not have been otherwise.  But the downside of self-publishing is that some really horrible things that would have never made it past an editor’s red pen are out there lurking as well.  Yes, some indie books should come with a warning label that says “Warning, Stinky.”

Granted, I am a frequent browser “free” selections and as such know that for every 5 winners, there will be one good old fashioned stinker–something best left unpublished, belonging wadded up in the virtual trash can in the corner of the author’s office, not on Amazon where it can sneak into your Kindle and catch you by surprise.  This morning I came across one of these, only fit to be relegated to Rotten Row.  Judging by the other reviews posted on Amazon, I’m not the only reader left scratching my head. Continue reading

Knights of de Ware Series by Glynnis Campbell

I just love the books written by Glynnis Campbell.  Her characters are not the normal historical romance fare–especially not the women.  They are strong and often just as comfortable wielding a sword as they are running a household.  They are definitely NOT damsels in distress.  In her Knights of de Ware Series, it takes just that sort of woman to tame the three brothers known and the wolves of de Ware.  The brothers are renowned for the abilities as unequaled warriors and have earned the respect and adoration of their people.  Duncan, the oldest, has a flare for the dramatic and loves to write verses and has a weakness for damsels in distress.  Holden, the middle brother, is a warrior to the core and has never been defeated in battle.  The youngest, Garth, their half-brother, is quiet and studious and prefers to study his Latin over practicing on the lists with his brothers.  For each of the brothers, it will take a special kind of woman to tame them.  The kind of woman that only Glynnis Campbell can create. Continue reading

To Re-Read or Not To Re-Read, That is The Question

Normally, I am not a big fan of re-reading a book. Once I close the cover and put it up on the shelf it stays there.  Why would I want to read it again when I already know what happens? True, when I was a young girl I would crack open my Trixie Beldon books over and over again, but that was mostly when I ran out of other things to do and was bored. Willingly go back and double-dip? Not me.  There are too many new and exciting books full of unchartered territory out there calling my name to take the time to go in reverse.

But I’ve discovered an interesting thing with e-books. Sometimes authors take a book that was previously released by a major publishing house, make rewrites and changes to freshen the story, and then self-publish the new, improved version. Ok. Now I’m curious.

Of course I have to read the new “author’s cut.” How can I not? What changed? Is it better? Is it worse? Did the hero change? Heaven forbid, did the heroine now marry the OTHER guy? Is it really new and improved, or is it an ill-advised disaster along the lines of “New Coke?” Continue reading

The Perfect Valentine’s Day Treat!

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, so why not give yourself a little treat?  I know just the thing:  a historical romance anthology by the group of writers known as the “Jewels of Historical Romance.”

The first  “Jewel” I had the pleasure of reading was Cynthia Wright.  Her Silver Storm was breathtaking and fast became my favorite historical romance of all time.  Once I’d read all of her novels, I yearned for more of a similar caliber.  I’d run across enough fluff, I wanted more writers with substance.  It’s hard to navigate the cluttered world of e-books without a guide.  A bad author can cost precious reading time.  What’s worse than wasting time on a dud?

The perfect solution?  I found a reading list like none other:   the “Jewels of Historical Romance”–a group of writers and friends who are certain that if you enjoy one of their styles, you will likely be interested in the others as well.  Of course, they are absolutely right!  I’ve read nearly every book from these talented ladies and never found myself disappointed.  They are consistently 4 and 5-star writers, each excelling in a different way.

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The Reluctant Bride Collection by Megan Bryce

Sometimes to truly appreciate the magic and wonder of a truly good book, you have to read a few stinkers. It’s been a little while since I’ve found one worthy of a spot on Rotten Row. These two books in the “Reluctant Bride Collection” more than fit the bill.

Considering I don’t see any other titles available from this author, I’m guessing they are first attempts at writing. That is comforting. After all, no one gets it perfect on the first try. At least not usually. Maybe in time, with a good editor and the right imput from carefully chosen mentors, these two books could be rewritten and become 5 star worthy. The basic premise is good, the execution just leaves a lot to be desired.

They have nice covers.  There, that’s something going for them. Continue reading

The Saint of Seven Dials Series by Brenda Hiatt

Something really strange happened this weekend — my beloved Kindle is still in my bag, where it’s been resting since Thursday night.  Yes, it’s true.  I haven’t read a book for almost 3 days.  The horror!  There’s a very good reason, though.  I am a new Auntie again!!!  Between waiting at the hospital, sniffing that new baby smell off two adorable little heads, and babysitting the 4-year-old big sister, I’ve been just a tad bit busy.  But, I didn’t want to let the blog go by the wayside….so here are some reviews I posted on Amazon last March for a wonderful series, Brenda Hiatt’s Saint of Seven Dials.

I really enjoyed this series.  It’s different in a wonderful, unexpected way.  There is mystery, intrigue, danger….and heros I loved.  If you decide to give the series a try, you might as well go ahead and download all 4 books because once you start reading the first one, you won’t want to stop until the very end!

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